Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pumpking carving competition

5th graders have been curving pumpkins for our Halloween celebration.

Check out their work. Photographs of the whole process will come soon.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Happy Halloween

This is the song 3rd and 4th grade are learning for Halloween!

Don't be scared!! Bahahahahaha

Check also the song for the younger groups. Cute and funny, isn't it?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

On Wednesday, October 19, Axolote's class went outside to look for:

  •  Heart shaped stones.
  • Spider web
  • Three different leaves.

And we found them!!

Click on the witch below in order to see the pictures.
Please, remember to comment!


Monday, October 17, 2016

We keep receiving visits!

After Artigal's visit for Kindergarten and first cycle, it was time for the older grades to receive an author.
Amaia Urruzmendi, one of the authors of "The Explorers" and "Story Time" came to visit last Friday, October 14. She explained a story to our fourth graders and then performed a lesson in wizardry with the 5th graders.
We had such a great time! Click on the picture below in order to see the album.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Josep Maria Artigal visited us!

We were very happy yesterday! Josep Maria Artigal, author of some of our favourite stories such as The Balloon, The Monster or Jenny, visited our school!
He spent some time in 2nd and P5 classrooms and promised to visit us again!

Take a look at the pictures! Click on the photograph.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Can you name them all?

Today, both 6th-grade rooms, have been working on the parts of the face. Cooperating in small groups and with a little help from a dictionary, they came up with a lot of words. Check their work!

6th A: Giorenix
Face, forehead, eyebrow, eyelid, teeth, mouth, chin, head, hair, eyelash, eyes, ears, cheekbone, nose, lip.
(15 words!)

                                                                                     6th B: The spies
Eyebrows, ears, eyelashes, wrinkles, moustache, lip, beard, bags under the eyes, teeth, iris, mouth, head, nose, face, pupil, forehead, hair.
(17 words!)


Monday, October 3, 2016

The alphabet rap

October is here already. Wow, time flies! Now, it's time for a new song and a new topic.
READY...??    GO!